Lemon and Herb Salmon Burgers
It’s that time of the year again to dust off the BBQ and fire up the grill. You absolutely want to try these lemon and herb salmon burgers which are perfect for grilling. The lemon, dill, and parsley offer a nice light subtle flavour the

Spring Greens with Teriyaki Salmon
We eat salmon on a weekly basis, mostly for the health benefits but also for the taste. I am lucky both girls and D love salmon too. This salmon salad is made with seasonal ingredients like arugula, radishes, and spring peas but you can substitute

Mother’s Day Recipe Round Up
It is Mother’s day this weekend and I am looking forward to a delicious breakfast followed by some quality family time spent outdoors. What are you doing to celebrate Mother’s day? How about spoiling mom with breakfast in bed or a picnic at the beach,

Rustic Vegetarian Lasagna
Happy Monday! Monday is my favourite day of the work week. You must think I am crazy. Let me explain. My hubby does not work on Monday’s which means I don’t have to get anyone ready for daycare. I come home from work and dinner

Banana Walnut Pancakes
We love pancakes. Miss E and I usually makes them for breakfast on the weekend and occasionally we have them for dinner. Who says you can’t eat breakfast for dinner? I had some ripe banana’s and instead of making banana bread, I thought what about

My Nutrition Wish List for My Girls
When it comes to feeding my girls I try to use Ellyn Satter’s division of responsibility philosophy. As parents we decide what, where and when food will be served. Kids decide what and how much to eat. I try to teach my kids about

Banana Bread
Since we are talking about kids and nutrition this month I thought it would be great to talk about snacks. Since having kids, I am always looking for healthy snack ideas, 9 times out of 10 I serve fresh fruit and vegetables. Once in

10 Tips To Raise A Healthy Eater
Ever find yourself coaxing or threatening your toddler to eat all her veggies. Your not alone, in fact it is normal for toddlers to go through a picky eating stage. Between the ages of 2-3 years many toddlers start to show their independence and one

Kale Salad with Asparagus!
Its officially spring! I am so looking forward to the upcoming season of fresh, local fruit and vegetables. I bought fresh asparagus this past weekend, its got me excited about my weekly Saturday morning farmer’s market routine. To celebrate I made this kale salad

Chicken Tortilla Soup!
This simple yet hearty chicken tortilla soup was the perfect meal on Sunday night, after what seemed like a long and dreary weekend. I have been wanting to share this recipe with you since early January but it didn’t seem right. Spring arrived in late
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