Happy Dietitian’s Day
March 16 is dietitian day. Dietitian’s are health care professionals who have earned a Bachelor’s degree specializing in food and nutrition and have completed a practical internship in the hospital, community, and food service settings. Dietitian’s work in a variety of fields such as clinical, community, industry,

3 Tips for Successful Baby- Led Weaning
If your a first time parent you probably have a lot of questions when it comes to introducing solids. Should I go all organic? What should I introduce first? How much should I give? Homemade vs store bought? Introducing solids to your little one for

Winter Citrus Salad
How was your Valentine’s weekend. Ours was quiet. We decided to celebrate with a date night in. While I used to enjoy the idea of going out for Valentine’s dinner, the thought of getting dressed up and going out after the kids going to bed seems

3 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Valentine’s Day for kids
I love Valentines Day, I have a soft spot when it comes to love and the colour pink, always have and always will. I hope the girls feel the same way when they get older. Like most holidays, Valentines Day is often celebrated with plenty

Thai Kale and Soba Noodle Salad (gluten free)
Hello February. I can’t believe it’s February already. Well this month someone special is celebrating their 5th birthday. I clearly remember the day my first was born, I keep playing it over in my head. Where does the time go? We just finished registering her

No Bake Granola Bars (gluten free)
Finding a healthy snack isn’t exactly easy. Since having kids, I find myself constantly reading ingredient labels. Let’s face it, fresh fruit and vegetables everyday gets a little boring. As a dietitian and a mom, I want to know what I am feeding my kids and

Everyday Toasted Oats with Apple Crunch Topping
This is the first recipe I am sharing with you to help you make 2016 your healthiest year. How have you been doing? Still going strong on those goals? Starting off the day with a healthy and wholesome breakfast is key to having a productive

5 Tips to Make 2016 Your Healthiest
Happy New Year! Did you enjoy a little (or a lot) of indulgence over the holidays. We did, but we are back in the swing of eating healthy. How many of you want to reclaim your health in 2016? While I like the idea of

5 Processed Foods We Eat
I buy five processed foods regularly. A dietitian who promotes processed foods must conjure all sorts of images.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Coconut Icing
It was Miss Q’s birthday last week. I can’t believe my baby is two already, where does the time go? We celebrated the day as a family, just the four of us. It was a beautiful sunny day full of good quality family time. The
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