Salmon Abundance Bowl
This salmon abundance bowl is amazing. We try to eat salmon twice a week for its health benefits. For most people it’s either a love or hate relationship when it comes to salmon. Luckily, we all love salmon which makes this dietitian mama pretty happy.

Nutrition Month…. 5 tips to help kids discover new foods
March is nutrition month. This year’s theme is about unlocking the potential of food to nourish our bodies, heal, prevent, and discover new foods. As a mom of two girls, I know the struggles with feeding kids. You are not alone. Trust me, I have

February is Heart Month….. 5 tips to a healthy Heart
February is heart month. According to Statistics Canada Heart disease is the second cause of death in Canada. Did you know that 80% of heart disease can be prevented by making simple healthy life style changes. You probably have a good idea of what healthy
5 Tips To Heart Health
February is heart month. It’s never to early to start eating for heart health. Most of us know know of someone who has heart disease. Choose homemade Eat more veggies Eat more fibre

Delicious Vegan Brownies
These delicious vegan brownies are moist, chocolatey and absolutely delicious. Just in time for Valentine’s Day. If you have been following me than you know I am not a baker. The last time, I attempted to vegan brownies with black beans was a complete disaster!

Toasted Oatmeal with citrus compote
Good Morning! January is national oatmeal month. I am a total believer in starting your day with a delicious healthy breakfast like this toasted oatmeal with citrus compote. Personally, I think it sets the tone for the rest of my day. What better time to

Three Tips to make your New Year resolutions a success!
Happy New Year Friends! How many of you have made New Year’s resolutions? What’s your goal? Eat healthier? Exercise more? Sound familiar! Let’s be honest how many of you were successful with last year’s resolution? Did you know that less than 10 percent are actually

Homemade Turkey Noodle Soup
I always look forward to turkey leftovers after the holidays. I love making a big batch of homemade turkey noodle soup. Luckily, Mr. D and the girls love turkey noodle soup as much as I do because we eat it for days on end. To

Dark Chocolate Oranges with Hemp Hearts
Hey you guys, these dark chocolate oranges are AMAZING! If you are looking for a simple, delicious, and healthy recipe to impress your guests this is it. I mean who could resist oranges dipped in dark chocolate. If your anything like me you probably have

5 Health Tips To Help You Survive The Holidays
Well the holiday season is in full swing, you have probably been to a couple of cocktail parties already. Unlike, the other holidays that usually last 1-2 days the Christmas holiday season starts in late November and runs well into January for some. With
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