Nutrition Month… 9-5

Nutrition Month… 9-5

March is nutrition month. This year’s theme is ” 9-5″; eating healthy in the workplace. According to Dietitian’s of Canada 45% of Canadian’s reported eating healthy in the work place challenging. The workplace plays an important part in our health, with many of us spending the majority of our day at the office surrounded by cookies, chocolate, and pastries. Healthy eating regardless of the place or time requires a little planning .

Did you know that healthy eating can improve work productivity and decrease your sick time. Let’s look at ways you can improve your work place health!

Start your day off  right… Eat A Well Balanced Breakfast!

toasted oats

Like your mother said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Starting your day off right sets the foundation for the rest of the day. Eating breakfast helps fuel your brain, improves appetite control, and reduces unwanted weight gain. I know most of you would rather press the snooze button a couple of times to catch a little more zzzz than eat breakfast. Guess what? You can.  A healthy breakfast does not require a lot of preparation in the mornings, you can even prepare it the night before.

  • Make a batch of toasted oats at the beggining of the week and add your favourite toppings.
  • Want something on the go….grab a healthy homemade granola bar.
  • Put some plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit and walnuts.
  • Make some homemade muffins on the weekend.
  • Whip up a green smoothie.

Enjoy those few extra minutes of sleep and prepare one of these breakfast idea’s the night before.

Makeover your Lunch!

Do you brown bag your lunch? Packing a lunch is not only healthier but also friendlier on your  wallet. Here are some simple and healthy ways to make over your lunch.

  • Embrace leftovers from last nights dinner. It’s pretty effortless and will save you time and stress in the morning ( you can press snooze a couple of times).
  • Plan lunches around vegetables and fruit. Wash, cut, and prepare ahead of time and simply place into containers. Add nuts, avocado, baked salmon, or roasted chicken for some protein.
  • Prepare a salad that is sturdy like a kale or roasted beet quinoa salad.
  • Keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge and pair them with fresh veggies or a green salad
  • Keep a tub of hummus and fresh cut vegetables in your work fridge. There is so much variety when it comes to hummus, you’ll never get bored.

kale quinoa sweet potato salad

Don’t forget to quench that thirst with some water.  Do you pack a lunch? If yes, what do you typically take?

Snack Attack.. the do’s and don’t ‘s

What do you eat when its 4 pm and you’re just about to end your day? Head to the nearest Starbuck’s for a latte and slice of banana bread? Or do you wait until you get home and rummage through the kitchen cupboards for everything and anything within arms reach? Snacks are important, especially the mid afternoon snack. When planning your snack keep a few things in mind, if dinner is a couple of hours away settle for a piece of fruit and water on the way home. However, if its more than a couple of hours away include a protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Here are a few snack ideas:

  • Fresh fruit and water.
  • Fresh fruit, handful of nuts, and water.
  • Vegetables and hummus and water.
  • Fresh fruit with plain greek style yogurt (2%) and water.
  • Homemade granola bar and water.


granola 4

Happy Nutrition Month!

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